In the chronicles of KEO’s success story, history unfolds with a revolutionary chapter. In the scenic landscapes of Hokkaido, Japan, our Founder, Mr. Sunil Walia crossed paths with an agricultural scientist of Japan named Mr. Kobayashi. The agriculturist declared that Indigo, a dye known for its presence in clothing dye, had untapped potential beyond the seams of fabric.
These insightful musings found their way to Mr. Sunil Walia, the visionary founder of KEO. Interested by the possibility of Indigo breaking free from the confines of clothing, he pondered, "Why limit this magical hue to mere attire?" Armed with the seed of an idea, Mr. Sunil Walia embarked on a quest to unravel the mysteries of Indigo's origin in India. Little did he know that the journey would be similar to chasing shadows through the diverse landscapes of the country. The question echoed—where does Indigo truly grow in India?